Tuesday 30 December 2014

Front Suspension rebuild - Part 2 New Steering arm spacers

When breaking down the front suspension I found that the spacers that set the position of the steering arm at the correct distance from the steering pivot to get the correct Acherman angle were pitted, worn on the edges and soft.

So I proceeded to make x4 off new spacers from a 1" Round bar of EN24 Steel.

I started with a the bar  clocked in and the faced off and center drilled.

I then proceeded to drill the bar in 6 going up in six increments, then finally reaming the bar to 5/16"

After this A proceeded to turn the bar down to 3/4"

I then parted off tow spacers and repeated the above procedure after moving the bar further out of the chuck and clocking it back in.

Some would suggest it would be easier to use a revolving center and turn the whole bar down in one go. They wouldn't be wrong, either way works. it only took me an hour to make the four spacers so there was no real loss of time making the spacers in two batches.

After parting the jobs off the bar i then faced off all the spacers to the correct size and broke the sharp edges leaving x4 spacers ready to use with the suspension rebuild.

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